Eintracht Frankfurt Ultras in Naples: total guerrilla, besieged city, photos

Clashes in the historic center caused by around 600 ultras from Eintracht who came to Naples despite a ban on ticket sales. Throwing objects against police forces and scenes of urban guerrilla warfare, with a police car set on fire.

"The scenes of devastation in the historic city centre are unacceptable. We strongly condemn the unspeakable acts of those who perpetrated this violence, wherever they came from. Naples and  Neapolitans do not deserve to suffer the serious material, moral and image damage that this madness has caused. Relations with Germany are historically marked by friendship and I wanted to meet the German ambassador to Italy, Viktor Elbling, in Palazzo San Giacomo to jointly condemn the acts of violence and reaffirm the strong ties between Naples and Germany'.

Thus commented the mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi.

Eintracht Frankfurt Ultras in Naples: total guerrilla, besieged city, photos
Clashes in the historic center caused by some 600 ultras from Eintracht who came to Naples despite a ban on ticket sales. Throwing objects against police forces and scenes of urban guerrilla warfare, with a police car set on fire.
Clashes in downtown before the game
The chaos began around 4:30 p.m. in piazza del Gesù, with the two fans coming into contact. Clash between helmet-covered fans with throwing of objects and a State Police car was set on fire.
Guerrilla warfare in downtown
Via Calata Trinità Maggiore, in the heart of the city, was the scene of the throwing of objects with overturned garbage cans. It was there that the police car was set on fire. Terror among passersby and merchants on the street. The clashes began when the German fans, who had been marching to piazza del Gesù from the seafront since this morning, were to board the buses that would take them back to the hotel where they were staying. At that point several dozen troublemakers with covered faces appeared and engaged in a clash while the Police, in riot gear, were busy dividing the factions and scatter the ultras.
A police car set on fire
A police car was set on fire on Calata Trinità Maggiore street while another, also a police car, was damaged: windows shattered. Damage also to a third car. Damage also occurred to shoo windows and dehors.
The mayor of Naples: 'Mad and unacceptable devastation'
"The scenes of devastation in the historic city centre are unacceptable. We strongly condemn the unspeakable acts of those who perpetrated this violence, wherever they came from. Naples and the Neapolitans do not deserve to suffer the serious material, moral and image damage that this madness has caused. Relations with Germany are historically marked by friendship and I wanted to meet the German ambassador to Italy, Viktor Elbling, at Palazzo San Giacomo to jointly condemn the acts of violence and reaffirm the strong ties between Naples and Germany'.
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