The countries where people live the most in the world

Japan is the country where people live better and longer. This is what emerges from the latest report of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the countries most "long-lived" on the planet.

In the country of the Rising Sun you can expect to live 74 and a half years in good health.

It is the first time that the WHO speaks of "healthy life expectancy" and not simply "life expectancy".

At the planetary level, the average value is 73.3 years (70.8 years for males and 75.9 years for females). According to 2015 data from the World Health Organization, women live on average longer than men in all countries of the world except Mali and eSwatini

Countries by life expectancy
The list of countries by life expectancy at birth, i.e. the number of years lived on average by a group of people from the same nation in the same year, with a constant mortality level. The data compares the entire population, of both sexes. Non-national entities are also included. The UN list considers only countries with at least 100 000 inhabitants. Source: World Health Organization (2020)
Total life expectancy: 82.6 years. Male life expectancy: 81.1. Female life expectancy: 84.1. Norway ranks above average in terms of employment, work-life balance, education, health, environmental quality, social relations, civic engagement, safety and life satisfaction.
Total life expectancy: 82.6 years. Male life expectancy: 80.8. Female life expectancy: 84.4.  Israel ranks above average in terms of health, social relationships and life satisfaction, while it ranks below average in terms of environmental quality.
Total life expectancy: 83.0 years. Male life expectancy: 80.9. Female life expectancy: 80.9. According to the medical journal The Lancet Italians live long because they are able to feed themselves with fresh and healthy food.
Total life expectancy: 83.0 years. Male life expectancy: 81.3. Female life expectancy: 84.8. According to the World Health Organization in recent years there has been an increase in attention to healthier lifestyles and an improvement in the national health system. These two factors have boosted the average life span of the nation.
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Total life expectancy: 83.1 years. Male life expectancy: 81.1. Female life expectancy: 85.1.  One of the factors that affects is the good air quality on average.
Total life expectancy: 83.2 years. Male life expectancy: 80.7. Female life expectancy: 85.7. The adoption of the Mediterranean diet, the cornerstone of Italian nutrition and UNESCO Intangible Heritage, helps to ensure a long and healthy life. Fresh fish, vegetables, olive oil and dried fruit are the cornerstones of the Spanish diet.
Total life expectancy: 83.2 years. Male life expectancy: 81.0. Female life expectancy: 85.5. In the last 30 years, life expectancy has lengthened, thanks to the high level of preventive and therapeutic medicine, guaranteed by the State.
South Korea
Total life expectancy: 83.3 years. Male life expectancy: 80.3. Female life expectancy: 86.1. According to the study, the biggest causes of this longevity in South Korea are improvements in education, infant nutrition and the rapid growth of new medical technologies.
Total life expectancy: 83.4 years. Male life expectancy: 81.8. Female life expectancy: 85.1. The national welfare ensures that there is an excellent health system and that following a healthy and balanced diet is within everyone's reach.
Total life expectancy: 84.3 years. Male life expectancy: 81.5. Female life expectancy: 86.9. The main merit is that of healthy and balanced nutrition.
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