Six roads considered among the most dangerous in the world
Every driver will have happened in life to come across a winding and challenging road. Perhaps for the terrain full of pitfalls, or simply for the conformation of the stretch of road itself.
But there are extremely dangerous roads in the world. Roads that for those who travel them is now accustomed to danger. Paths that just looking at them make you panic.
They are the most dangerous roads in the world. From China to Bolivia via Norway and Afghanistan here are the routes to avoid for motorists.
Fear and panic on the road
Every driver will have happened in life to come across a winding and challenging road. Perhaps for the terrain full of pitfalls, or simply for the conformation of the stretch of road itself. But there are extremely dangerous roads in the world. Roads that for those who travel them is now accustomed to danger. Paths that just looking at them make you panic.
Motorway of Karakoram
On the border between Pakistan and China is the Karakoram highway. Located at a high altitude, the area is subject to natural disasters, such as landslides, floods, snowfall and avalanches. In the construction of this highway, about 1,000 workers died.
Zoji La - India
Cars crushed and buses overturned, a frequent scenario in the Zoji La, 3,528 meters, in India. Due to the narrow road and adverse weather conditions, the pass is often closed due to snow and ice during the winter. The high risk rate of the Zoji La is also due to the absence of protective barriers.
North Yungas Road - Bolivia
Statistics speak of 200-300 deaths per year on the North Yungas Road. This route is nicknamed "Death Road" or "Camino de la Muerte". Fog and rain envelop the stretch of road that is part of the Eastern Cordillera with the risk for patrons to fall for over 3,000 meters, since there are no guardrail.
Atlantic Road - Norway
One of the most dangerous roads in Europe is the Atlantic Road, "The Atlantic Road" of about 8 km between the Norwegian cities of Kristiansund and Molde. The greatest danger is represented by possible flooding with storms that can cause quite a few damages.
Tunnel Guoliang - China
High degree of danger also for the Guoliang tunnel in China, a road dug into the side of a rather steep mountain. The reason for this crazy enterprise originates in 1972: the isolated village of Guoliang had to be connected with the surrounding areas. Only thirteen inhabitants participated in the work and, armed with hammers and chisels, created the tunnel by digging into the rock.
Dalton Highway - Alaska, United States of America
The Alaska's Dalton Highway is a highway 666 kilometers long. Despite its remote location and the total absence of infrastructure (gas stations, restaurants, hotels, medical facilities), the road is quite busy. The weather, ice and snow make it, however, impassable and dangerous for many stretches.