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Plane crash in Nepal, the video the moment before the crash that cost the lives of 72 people

An amateur video taken from a terrace with a smartphone, shows the plane of the Yeti Airlines company carrying 68 passengers and four crew members as it rapidly loses altitude before the crash in Nepal. In the images released by the local media, the site of the disaster is then shown where several houses can be seen in the background.

In particular, in a video released on social media, a person was able to film the plane while performing the landing maneuver and then quickly lose altitude. And the hopes of finding survivors among the people on board the ATR72 plane crashed in Pokhara are now "nil". To say a local official.

The plane, from Nepalese Yeti Airlines, crashed just a kilometer and a half from the international airport of Pokhara, a famous tourist destination 200 kilometers from the capital Katmandu, from where it had departed. On board were 37 men, 25 women, three children and three infants, the local civil aviation authority said, specifying that rescuers recovered the body of a baby of a few months. The plane crash is the most serious in the last thirty years in the small South Asian country.

photo screenshot video Instagram

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