The extraordinary images of the partially frozen Niagara Falls

The polar cold wave that is hitting the United States these days, and which is causing victims and inconvenience, has also caused the partial freezing of the famous Niagara waterfalls.

The images taken by drones are truly spectacular: seeing the partially frozen Niagara falls is not an everyday event. Experts have explained that the freezing of the falls can only take place partially because the flow of water in the area is really impressive. In short, if some streams can freeze, it would be very difficult for the whole volume of surrounding water to suffer the same effect.

In the meantime, for security reasons, access to tourists would have been prohibited.

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The incredible images of the partially frozen Niagara Falls 
The polar cold wave that is hitting the United States these days, and which is causing victims and inconvenience, has also caused the partial freezing of the famous Niagara waterfalls.
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Why the falls only partially froze
The images taken by drones are truly spectacular: seeing the partially frozen Niagara falls is not an everyday event. Experts explained that the freezing of the falls can only take place partially because the overall flow of water in the area is really impressive. In short, if some streams can freeze, it would be very difficult for the whole volume of surrounding water to suffer the same effect. 
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Temporary stop to tourists
In the meantime, for security reasons, access to tourists would have been prohibited. In order for the situation to return to normal, we will have to wait for temperatures to rise. The Niagara waterfalls, every year, attract millions of tourists from all over the world.
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Where are the falls
The Niagara Falls are located in northeastern North America, between the United States and Canada, about half an hour's drive from the U.S. city of Buffalo and about an hour and a half from Toronto. They are not particularly high waterfalls (the jump is only 52 meters) but their fame is linked to the spectacularity of  the surrounding landscape. 
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The Buffalo area is among the most affected by the exceptional wave of frost
At the moment the victims of the polar cold in the United States are 64 and one of the most affected areas is precisely that in the Buffaloarea.
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