The incredible story of Philippe Petit, the tightrope walker who traversed New York's Twin Towers

Philippe Petit is one of the best-known tightrope walkers in history and is best known for having traversed, quite illegally, the Twin Towers at New York on the morning of August 7, 1974, when the Towers had not yet been officially opened for business.

His other feats include crossing the bell towers of the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris (in 1971), crossing Niagara Falls and Superdome at New Orleans.

Born in France in 1949, Petit was a self-taught tightrope walker and was arrested more than 500 times during his lifetime because of his feats.

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The tightrope walker who traversed the Twin Towers.
Philippe Petit is one of the best-known tightrope walkers in history and is best known for traversing, quite illegally, the Twin Towers at New York on the morning of August 7, 1974, when the Towers had not yet been officially opened for business.
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The other enterprises made by Petit
His other feats include the crossing of the belfries of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris (in 1971), the crossing of Niagara and Superdome Falls at New Orleans.
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A self-taught tightrope walker
Born in France in 1949, Petit was a self-taught tightrope walker and was arrested more than 500 times during his lifetime because of his exploits.
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When did Petit become a street artist
By the age of 18, Philippe Petit had already been expelled from several five schools for pickpocketing some teachers and handling playing cards. Hence the decision to leave home and become a street performer.
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Crossings prepared in every detail
Philippe Petit became famous for his clandestine crossings on the cable at great heights, which he prepared in every detail.
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The film dedicated to Petit
A 2015 film , "The Wall", directed by director Robert Zemeckis, was also dedicated to the life and crossing of the Twin Towers by Philippe Petit. Playing Petit, actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
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