Activists dressed as billionaires and dinosaurs challenge fossil fuel lobby in Berlin

Activists dressed as famous billionaires and fossil fuel lobby dinosaurs gathered at the Brandenburg Gate during a demonstration by the environmental and human rights action group Extinction Rebellion on 13 April 2023 in Berlin, Germany. 

Extinction Rebellion organised days of activism and protests this week in Berlin.

Extinction Rebellion is an international, 'bottom-up', non-violent movement founded in England in response to the ecological devastation caused by human activities, based on scientific findings. The movement calls for non-violent civil disobedience to demand that governments reverse the course that is leading us towards climate and ecological disaster.

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The protest of Extinction Rebellion
Activists dressed as famous billionaires and dinosaurs gathered in Berlin to protest.
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The protest of Extinction Rebellion
Human rights protests by sociopolitical movement Extinction Rebellion
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The protest of Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion is a decentralized, international, politically nonpartisan movement that uses nonviolent action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to take action on the climate and ecological emergency.
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The protest of Extinction Rebellion
Some of their values are creating a world fit for future generations and creating a culture that is healthy, resilient and adaptive.
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The protest of Extinction Rebellion
Protesters will be in Berlin throughout this weekend.
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The protest of Extinction Rebellion
Protests against governments over climate emergency and ecological situation.
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